'Visiting www.fmylife.com to laugh at the misfortune of others. When the going gets tough, the tough put their sorry stories up on F*** My Life (FML), a website dedicated to the sharing of woes. It's a daily dose of misfortune, and it helps that it's not ours....'
'These are the Top 10 postings that made us feel better about our own lives.'
1. today, i went to go get a haircut and i asked how much it was for a haircut, shampoo, and a blow job. i meant to say blow dry.
2. today, when i wasnt home, my friend took my cat that has a tumour to be put down as i couldnt bear to take him myself. i have 2 cats. he took the wrong one.
3. today, i checked my facebook, and my wife of 5 years was listed as single. i then write on her wall that it is okay to announce tt she's married. she writes back saying that we have to talk and to come to the kitchen. my wife divorced me over facebook.
4. today, i met up with a guy from a local dating site for coffee. he walked up, looked me over and said, "ummm, no", then walked off.
5. today, i took the bus to work and a sweet old lady got on after me and sat next to me. halfway to work, she fell aslp and her head was on my shoulder. trying to be nice, i gently tried to wake her up before my stop came. she wasnt slping. i let a dead woman lie on me for 30 minutes.
6. today, my brother came out to our family as being gay. my mother started crying because "she wanted grandchildren." i told her i was planning on having children. she started crying harder.
7. today, a co-worker and i walked out of our office at the same time. he got in his car, which was parked right out front. i asked him what i had to do to get a sweet parking spot like that. he proceeded to roll his pant leg and show me his prosthesis. he was in the parking spot for the handicapped.
8. today, i read [an] entry that said: i'm afraid my thighs will start to touch soon." my thighs have always touched. i didnt even know thighs werent supposed to touch.
9. today, i forgot to do my french homework, but since it was an online worksheet, i told my teacher my internet wasnt working. i told her with an email.
10. today, i went onto my band's myspace just to check if we had any new comments or anything like that and i noticed that i was listed as a past member. nobody ever told me i was replaced.
-interesting eh? from 8 days.. if feeling bored at work can go check it out.. :)